Installing Man-1.5k

Estimated build time:           0.05 SBU
Estimated required disk space:  2 MB

Contents of Man

Last checked against version 1.5k.

Man is a man pager.

Man installs the following:

Program Files

apropos, makewhatis, man, man2dvi, man2html and whatis

Man Installation Dependencies

Last checked against version 1.5i.

Bash: sh
Binutils: as, ld
Fileutils: chmod, cp, install, mkdir, rm
Gcc: c11, collect2, cpp0, gcc
Grep: grep
Make: make
Gawk: awk
Sed: sed
Sh-utils: echo
Textutils: cat

Installation of Man

There are three patches for Man. The first patch comments out one of the lines in the man.conf file (MANPATH /usr/man) to prevent redundant results when using programs such as whatis:

patch -Np1 -i ../man-1.5k-manpath.patch

The second patch adds the -R option to the PAGER variable so that escape sequences are handled properly:

patch -Np1 -i ../man-1.5k-pager.patch

The last patch prevents problem when man pages not formatted with more than 80 columns are used in conjunction with recent releases of groff:

patch -Np1 -i ../man-1.5k-80cols.patch

The paths to some programs are written into man's files. Unfortunately, the configure script picks the last location in PATH rather than the first place a program is found. By appending /usr/bin:/bin to PATH for the ./configure command, we ensure that man doesn't use the programs in the /static directory.

Prepare Man to be compiled:

PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/bin \
����./configure -default -confdir=/etc

Continue with compiling the package:


And finish off installing the package:

make install

Note: If you wish to disable SGR escape sequences, you should edit the man.conf file and add the -c argument to nroff.

You may want to take a look at the man hint at, which deals with formatting and compression issues for man pages.