Installing LFS-Bootscripts-1.11

Estimated build time:           0.01 SBU
Estimated required disk space:  252 KB

Contents of LFS-bootscripts

Last checked against version 1.11.

The LFS-Bootscripts package contains SysV init style shell scripts. These scripts do various tasks such as check filesystem integrity during boot, load keymaps, setup networks and halt processes at shutdown.

LFS-bootscripts installs the following:


checkfs, cleanfs, functions, halt, ifdown, ifup, loadkeys, localnet, mountfs, mountproc, network, rc, reboot, sendsignals, setclock, swap, sysklogd and template

LFS-Bootscripts Installation Dependencies

Last checked against version 1.11.

Fileutils: chown, cp

Installation of LFS-Bootscripts

We will be using SysV style init scripts. We have chosen this style because it is widely used and we feel comfortable with it. If you would prefer to try something else, Marc Heerdink has written a hint about BSD style init scripts, which may be found at

If you decide to use BSD style, or some other style scripts, you can skip Chapter 7 when you arrive at it and move on to Chapter 8.

Install the boot scripts:

cp -a rc.d sysconfig /etc

Give root ownership of the scripts:

chown -R root:root /etc/rc.d /etc/sysconfig